Join us

Associations are first and foremost people! Equality Factory is a dynamic group of activists, friends, students, workers, youth and adults who work together for equality in Łódź and the region. Our organization is a place where diverse perspectives and ideas meet, creating a space for creative and effective work. Join us if you want to act locally for diversity, take important initiatives and implement projects that have a real impact on our environment. You will have the opportunity to work with inspiring people, gain new skills and experiences, and contribute to creating a more just and diverse society. Become a part of something bigger – join the Equality Factory and let’s do something beautiful together!
Below we present various opportunities for involvement in the Association.


A basic form of commitment to an organization, based on voluntary and unpaid work. You can be a volunteer once, e.g. at the Equality March or for a longer period. We expect volunteers to support us in our ongoing activities - you determine the level of your involvement.

  • participation in the work and meetings of the organization
  • level of engagement tailored to you
  • a way for personal development, new experiences and charitable involvement
  • formalization of cooperation by means of a volunteer agreement and certificate of volunteering
  • opportunity to join the Association
  • formal membership of the Association


CMembership in the Association is a formal affiliation to an organization, in the light of the law. All the members together form the Association. Being a member you can influence the activities of the Association and actively shape them from within. We currently have three types of membership - they differ in the rights and obligations of the person who holds them and the requirements for granting them. The conditions for granting membership and joining the Association are described in our Statue and Rules


Basic type of membership with a medium level of engagement. Supporting members support the Association according to their resources and space. They have limited rights, but fewer responsibilities.

  • formal membership of the Association
  • right to participate in General Assembly
  • shaping and implementing the goals of the Association
  • advisory voice on all issues
  • active and passive voting rights
  • participation in formal voting


Membership with the highest level of commitment. Ordinary members actively shape the activities of the Association in all matters. They have the greatest rights, but they also have more responsibilities.

  • all rights of supporting members
  • active and passive voting right
  • participation in formal voting
  • high level of engagement required


Membership is a distinction for people who have significantly contributed to the development and growth of the Association or the achievement of our goals.

  • all rights of supporting members
  • no formal obligations


I want to join. What's next?

Great! If you are determined to join our organization, let us know and contact us. First, we will offer you the role of a guest - you will be able to observe our activities and give your feedback or take some action. After three months, you must decide whether you will stay with us and in what form. We propose a gradual increase in activity and involvement:

volunteer >> supporting member >> ordinary member

Can minors join?

Yes. Pursuant to the Act of April 7, 1989 Law on Associations, people from the age of 16 can independently belong to associations and enjoy full membership rights. Persons under 16 years of age may join associations with the consent of their guardians with limited rights.

It works similarly in the case of volunteering.

What are the different types of membership?

The type of membership is determined by the package of rights and obligations of a member. Supporting members have a smaller package of membership rights - e.g. they cannot elect people to the management board or be elected themselves. Their vote is advisory in nature - they can freely express their opinions on any topic, but their vote is not taken into account in the voting. On the other hand, supporting members are not obliged to be highly active and committed, but only to "support". This may be limited, for example, to staying in constant contact with us and paying the membership fee, which is lower anyway.

Ordinary members are obliged to be actively involved in the work of the organization - they should actively influence the organization's activities and demonstrate their own initiatives. They also have to pay membership fees. For this reason, they have the full package of membership rights.

What are membership fees and how to pay them?

Membership fees are the association's primary source of income from which it finances its activities. From membership fees we finance, for example, the rental of a meeting room. Because associations are based on a collective of members, each of them is obliged to pay dues. Contributions can be paid via bank transfer:

Stowarzyszenie Fabryka Równości

IBAN: 91 1090 2705 0000 0001 4897 3529 Santander Bank Polska S.A.

title: membership fee: [from:date - to:date]

In justified cases, the management board may grant relief or exemption from paying membership fees.

How much are the membership fees?

For ordinary members: min. PLN 25/month
For supporting members: min. PLN 18/month

Membership and volunteering. What is the difference?

Volunteers do not belong to the organization, but only act on its behalf and help for a specific purpose. Members create the association and influence it, e.g. by electing people on the management board. The difference is subtle but significant and can be compared to the difference between being in a band and being a fan.

Can I lose my membership?

Yes, although only in certain cases, e.g. if you do not follow our rules or fail to fulfill your obligations without justification. In such a case, the management board may decide to revoke membership - however, it can be appealed to the General Meeting (via the audit committee).