About us


The Management Board of the Association is the second, after the General Assembly, the most important body in the organization, directing the activities of the Association and representing it externally. The Management Board shall act in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association and the decisions of the General Meeting and applicable law. The Board of the Equality Factory is elected for a 2-year term.

Ida Mickiewicz-Florczak




Equality coach, sex educator and LGBTQ+ activist. President of the Equality Factory Association. Graduate of the Faculty of Education at the University of Lodz. Therapist of behavioral addictions. For several years she has been working in institutions combating various forms of violence, including domestic violence and homelessness.

Miłosz Herka




Activist, youth leader and educator. Member of the Association since 2018. He is also affiliated with Amnesty International, locally and internationally. Master of Genetics and Biotechnology Engineer, fan of fantasy, cooking and people. He is committed because he considers being socially and civically active as his mission and hobby.

Joanna Ignatowicz


board member


At Fabryka Równości since 2022, she is willing to engage in projects aimed at cooperation and organization of cultural or educational events. She co-manages social media channels and supports other activities promoting equality. Privately an animal lover and proud mother of an adopted cat. She is interested in equality issues, but also gameplay and video essays on various socio-cultural topics.



board member


A non-binary activist on the neurodiversity spectrum engaged in LGBTQ+ activism and climate activism since early 2023. Its history can be read in the book “Between. Stories of non-binary people” by Renata Kim. She studies applied computer science on a daily basis, and apart from social activities, she is also passionate about linguistics and programming.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is an internal control body within the organization, whose duty is to monitor the proper functioning and activity of the association, in particular the financial activity of the management board, but also all aspects related to compliance with the rules and the law.

Aleksander Brylski


committee member


Activist and social activist, co-organizer of equality marches in Łódź. Professional programmer, master of computer science.

Mirza Popović


committee member


Joined Equality Factory in 2023. Came for a while, stayed longer with a growing love for social activism. A linguist who collects knowledge of languages such as Pokemon, a fan of cats, Japanese literature, RPG and drawing.